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figure of eight中文

用"figure of eight"造句"figure of eight" in a sentence"figure of eight"怎麼讀"figure of eight"的同義詞


  • 8字形的


  • Toughwood , tailfeather , figure of eight
  • The figures asked in dressage tests are the voltes , the serpentines and the figures of eight
  • Repeat step 1 above , but this time start the figure of eight by flying away from the pilot , pirouetting clockwise
  • Returning honey bees dance a figure of eight on the honeycomb to communicate a source of pollen to other members of the hive
  • With the helicopter hovering over the landing area , start pirouetting clockwise while the helicopter is pirouetting fly the helicopter in a figure of eight to the right
  • With the helicopter inverted hovering over the landing area , start pirouetting clockwise while the helicopter is pirouetting fly the helicopter in a figure of eight to the right
用"figure of eight"造句  


  • a knot having the shape of the numeral 8; tied in a rope that has been passed through a hole or pulley and that prevents the rope from coming loose
    同義詞:figure eight,

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